Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Redesigned book cover

I chose to redesign the book, "The Shawshank Redemption" by Stephen King because it sends a powerful message is the only book that kept me on the edge wanting to know more.  I foreshadowed the symbolism of the rocks as well as the theme of being confined.  I used many layers for the back ground hay due to wanting a high definition picture, I had to repeat the same image about 6 times in order to fill the entire space I wanted to.  Same goes for the jail cell bars, I had to repeat and connect those bars together with each other approximately 6 times.  I had troubles with the white text because it was very hard to read with out the drop shadow.  I am unsure about the orangish drop shadow at the top.  I would have liked to make all the text black, however, due to the bars I was unable to make it all black or else the text would not be legible.  I erased part of the jail bars to insert the title there and it also foreshadows the escape to the outside world.


  1. I like the design but it just looks like you may have tried to put too much into it. The hay is kinda distracting to look at and makes it harder to read the information. Also you might want to steer away from using photoshops default effects for drop shadows and stuff, I usually decrease the values quite a bit to make the shadow more subtle like it would be in real life. This may be a preference but I really like the binder the best, it is perfect, great font choice, clear legible and if I was at a book store and I saw the binder I would definitely pull it out for a look. Overall good job.

  2. The color of the drop shadow of the text at the top is too bright which makes it hard to read. you could have made it black. I think you could have earased more from the bars till the rocks.
    But it is a Good Work. Good Luck

  3. It's a good concept, however I think the design might be a bit too "busy". You have 2 overlapping textures that equally cover area space, because of this, it makes it a bit hard to look at. The rocks wedged between these 2 patterns becomes buried. It also makes the design unbalanced. If you were to erase the bars covering the rocks, using the same technique that you used for the title area, it would bring some balance back into your work. The white text becomes hard to read because it starts to blend into the hay as a result of the orange drop shadow. I think your choice of font type (ie: text) is good, however I think a different color and effect would have been better used, in order to make it stand out a bit more.

  4. Why the rocks? Its easier to relate to the man in the original. Also wrap the art around the spine so the type sits on the art.
